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St Eugene's Primary School, Derry

News - Primary 3

15th Oct 2024
This week is Maths Week Ireland! Today, we went to the hall and took part in lots...
11th Oct 2024
Happy birthday to all our boys who turned 7 this month! We had a lovely day celebrating...
11th Oct 2024
Happy birthday to Ethan who turned 7 this month!
9th Oct 2024
We had a lovely autumn walk to Brooke Park! We noticed lots of leaves changing colour...
8th Oct 2024
As part of our World Around Us topic, Home Sweet Home, we have been learning "What...
30th Sep 2024
In Numeracy, we have been learning to estimate and measure . We used lot of different...
27th Sep 2024
This week, we built our own homes as part of our World Around Us lesson. We followed...