Return to School 2020/21

Dear Parents, this week we welcomed back our new Year 7 class and phased in pupils. We are delighted to inform you they have made a positive restart to school life. It was great to see all the smiling faces again looking so smart in their new red jumpers. We look forward to having all the children back this Friday 28th August. Please be aware of the staggered drop off and collection times for each individual class. All children will return to their previous teacher to facilitate a smooth transition back to school.

Nursery and Yr 1 will begin induction on 31st August. Individual times and arrangements have been emailed. Drop offs for school will follow our one-way system using the front door of the senior site.

Yr 2 : 9.00am Junior Site

Yr 3 : 8.40am Senior Site

Yr 4 : 8.45am Senior Site

Yr 5 : 8.50am Senior Site

Yr 6 : 8.55am Senior Site

Yr 7 : 9.00am Senior Site

All children to go straight to their classroom, and no parents allowed inside the building. Collections will take place at the back door of the senior site.

Yr 2: 2.00pm Junior Site

Yr 3 : 2.40pm Senior Site

Yr 4 : 3.00pm Senior Site

Yr 5 : 3.05pm Senior Site

Yr 6 : 3.10pm Senior Site

Yr 7 : 3.15pm Senior Site

Please could all parents be respectful of the system and maintain the elements of social distancing.

In addition, there is new information regarding the ‘New Packed Lunch Menu’. The new packed lunch menu begins on Tuesday 1st September so all children will need to bring their own packed lunch for school on Monday 31st August. If there are any Special Dietary requirements please fill in and return the attached form below. The cost for meals will be £2.60 per day. Please ensure you apply for free school meals through the education authority if applicable to your circumstances. Any inquiries please contact the school office on Tel : 02871 261 601.

New Packed Lunch Menu – Link Below

Special Dietary Requirements – Form Below

Finally, the current procedures in place in our school will be undergoing review within the next 2 weeks. It is important that we review and adapt our procedures to best suit the needs of our children in the current circumstances whilst adhering to Public Health and Department of Education’s advised guidelines.

As always thank you for your kind support and cooperation.
