Welcome to St Eugene’s Primary School
A message from the Principal Ms C Duffy November – December 2023
Dear Parents,
We, in St Eugene’s P.S. and Nursery Unit are busy as usual with our teaching and learning in class. We have re-established good homework routines and all parents have had an opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher for a full discussion of their child’s progress. Some P7 pupils are working hard in preparation for the SEAG transfer exam. We wish them every success. Alongside this, to ensure the development of all talents and abilities, we have been participating in Altar Server training in St Eugene’s Cathedral, Tin Whistle lessons, Ryan Mc Bride Foundation football, Resilience Clubs (BBHF), NSPCC assemblies, and workshops and visits to Central Library. We have been invited to watch performances in NWRC to celebrate Hallowe’en and Christmas.
Our Wrap-around Care continues with Breakfast Club from 8am, proving ever more popular and providing a healthy and nutritious start to the day. Children can join the Walking Bus from 8.30 am, picking up ‘passengers’ from our locality. Homework Club is well attended every day from 3-4pm.
We also provide a range of clubs to suit every pupil’s interest; German
Language Club, Badminton Club, Table Tennis Club, Hip Hop Club and Skill School Games.
We will perform our Nativity Pageant and Carol Service for Parents on 11th December at 1.30pm in St Eugene’s Cathedral. Our Nursery will perform for their parents on December 8th. Practices are ongoing at every opportunity. The children are so keen to do their best for their parents and family.
We will have Confirmation on February 8th and First Holy Communion on April 19th 2024.
We fully participate in Anti-Bullying Week from 13th-17th November 2023.The theme for this year is: ’Make a Noise About Bullying’ and through this we remind the children to tell someone they trust if they are experiencing or witnessing any disrespectful behaviour in our school.
We celebrate Catholic Schools Week in January/ February every year. This always provides an opportunity to celebrate our unique qualities as a faith-filled Catholic community. Our special Jesus-focussed values are highlighted for pupils and their parents in that week.
We have developed a strong bond with Foyle International Language School over many years and we host mainly German students to work in our school at various stages throughout the school year. This connection provides an enriching school experience for our community. We perform a ‘School of Sanctuary’ assembly for a large group of International Students in November each year and we are told that this has become a main attraction of their trip to Derry.
Superhero week in which we raise funds for Autism NI is supported well by all our families and runs in February. The children must take on chores at home and then bring their earnings to school at the end of the week, dressed as superheroes. This is always a great day, enjoyed by everyone.
We always celebrate World Book Day. Again, the children have great fun dressing up. They raise money through a whole school readathon. The children in P3-P7 have a table quiz based on children’s literature in the afternoon. All good educational fun.Our Primary Seven class organise a fundraiser for Trocaire which will be held in school before the St Patrick’s daybreak.
This is only a summary of all the activities which take place in our school throughout the year.
We work hard to provide a rich variety of stimulating activities and experiences for our children to prepare them to become confident, responsible citizens of the future.
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