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St Eugene's Primary School, Derry
St Patrick’s Day Dear Parents school will be closed on Monday 17th March, We will reopen on Tuesday 18th March.
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‘Grandmother’s Hands’ Launch

19th Oct 2024

In September, members of the St. Eugene’s Green Team were delighted to take part in the launch of the Barnardo’s 'Grandmother's Hands' Intergenerational Recipe Competition.

At the Guildhall, our pupils joined Mayor Seenoi-Barr and members of the DCSDC’s Food Sustainability Team, along with visitors from the Barnardo’s SEEN Centre, to learn more about the competition and to share their own experiences of seasonal food and family recipes.

Our pupils had a wonderful time at the competition launch and they can’t wait to take part!

St Patrick’s Day
Dear Parents school will be closed on Monday 17th March, We will reopen on Tuesday 18th March.