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St Eugene's Primary School, Derry

Kris Kringle

8th Dec 2024

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Just sending out a little reminder about the St Eugene's tradition of 'Kris Kringle' for exchange of gifts amongst our pupils. Please send in one gift, wrapped and labelled either 'boy' or 'girl'. These will be kept in school until the day of the Christmas parties, when all children will choose a gift to take home. Please do not spend any more than £5 on these items. 
We ask that all presents are sent into school by Monday 16th December 2024.

We will also have the traditional Christmas raffles for each class, raising donations for St Vincent de Paul.
The squares can be bought for 25p each or 5 for £1 from the class teachers.
The draw will take place at morning assembly on Thursday 19th December 2024.

Grateful thanks for your ongoing support.

Mrs Duffy