Return to School 2020/21

Hello everyone! We hope you all had a chance to relax and refresh over the summer. Below is some important information on pupil’s return to school.

The 24th August will see all Yr 7 pupils return along with some other children as part of their phased re-introduction.

All children from Yr 2 to Yr 6 will return on the 28th August to their previous teacher to facilitate a smooth transition back to school.

Nursery and Yr 1 will begin induction on 31st August. Individual times and arrangements have been emailed.

Drop offs for school will follow our one way system using the front door of the senior site.

Yr 3 : 8.40am

Yr 4 : 8.45am

Yr 5 : 8.50am

Yr 6 : 8.55am

Yr 7 : 9.00am

All children to go straight to their classroom, and no parents allowed inside the building.

Collections will take place at the back door of the senior site.

Yr 3 : 2.40pm

Yr 4 : 3.00pm

Yr 5 : 3.05pm

Yr 6 : 3.10pm

Yr 7 : 3.15pm

Please could all parents be respectful of the system and maintain the elements of social distancing.

There are also a number of free slots available for purchasing new school jumpers. Please ring the office during the hours of 9am – 3pm.

Tel : 02871 261601