ASD Support Services

Dear Parents,

If your child has been diagnosed with Autism or is currently undergoing an assessment for ASD please complete the following online survey to ascertain the level of need for local ASD support services in the area. Children with ASD experience stress as a result of daily social and living challenges. It is important that the right provisions are in place both in schools, in homes and in the wider community to support children with ASD towards achieving their full potential. If you are currently seeking support the Middletown Centre for Autism has online resources sharing advice on Life Skills, Building Capacity and Sensory Processing. This can be accessed on…/1FAIpQLSc1bwHyA4TKST4SQ…/viewform…

Any parent who has a concern about their child is welcome to make an appointment to meet with their child’s class teacher. Appointments must be arranged through the school office Tel: 028 71261601
Our school, your child, their success